Demolition of illegal properties keeps going on in Mallorca. Consequences of illegal building woks in Mallorca

Illegalities in Mallorca’s buildings are being persecuted.

foto: Diario de Mallorca

While sellers, middlemen and advisors recommended by them try to hide it, demolition orders and fines are growing at an alarmingly high rate.

Total or partial illegalities in Mallorca’s buildings are being persecuted by the Defense of Territory Agency (Agencia de Defensa del Territori) of Consell de Mallorca (Insular government of Mallorca).

Those are the last numbers:

  1. From January to October 2018 Consell de Mallorca  did order 78 new demolitions of illegal constructions. In all 2017 demolition orders where 16.
  2. Consell de Mallorca has another 153 demolition orders pending notification to owners.
  3. Consell de Mallorca also has 793 files for infringement pending to be iniciated.
  4. Defense of Territory Agency (Agencia de Defensa del Territori) of Consell de Mallorca is willing to contract an additional 24 technicians to increase its inspection capacity
  5. Due to the high amount of fines for not demolishing illegal works, 90% of the owners choose to carry out the demolition themselves.

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